Used event technology
in top quality

  • Rudi is rock’n’roll. But not like this new rock’n’roll, but like the one that older people talk about wistfully.

  • Rudi is honest, rough, down-to-earth, lovable but also polarizing. Many qualities that seem to be on opposite sides of the moral compass.
    With his quiff, gold chain and leather jacket, Rudi comes across as the stereotype of a Ruhrpott laborer, a worker from the port of Hamburg or a redneck from Munich.

  • Rudi is straightforward: edgy and tough at first glance, makes clear statements, but above all keeps his word.

  • Rudi is reliable and authoritative and his sensitive side only reveals itself at second glance. As tough as he appears, he is just as sensitive when it comes to technique.

  • Rudi is demanding in his choice of products, but he is also fair when it comes to price. Good selection, best overview, fair prices.